Garage1217 introducing their new Project Solstice, it is a bad arse, compact desktop amplifier with some very cool features and excellent power output.
Project Solstice is a beautifully crafted, high powered (over 1W) desktop tube headphone amplifier that features auto bias for the tube, so there’s no need to tinker with adjustments as with tube amplifiers of old. This makes Solstice one of the easiest to use tube amplifiers on the market! Solstice can also utilize a large variety of different tubes for those that like to change things up. Other unique features and adjustments, such as selectable output impedance or the ability to change the input level attenuation module, let you dial in this amplifier to provide excellent synergy with your existing equipment.
In short, Solstice is a unique – high value amplifier that will suite even the most demanding tube lover.