A bird cage in which you can swing freely, a table you can play marbles on. The fantastic world of Ontwerpduo stems from the collaboration and chemistry between Tineke Beunders and Nathan Wierink. Award-winning and globally exhibited, their fantastical collection of home furnishings has rightfully demanded attention since its imaginative invention.
Ontwerpduo Marbelous
Marbelous sweeps table manners aside to make way for fun. For adults, it’s an exceptional piece of furniture, for children it’s a playground. A marble run has been hand-whittled into each table leg, giving a new dimension to your home furnishing that’s nothing but fun. Consequently, Marbelous unites the entire family, whether that’s around or underneath the table. A family using Marbelous as both meal and play station is is heart-warming and delightful to behold.
Ontwerpduo Cageling
With a hard-as-nails weatherproof coating to keep it looking wonderful in all weather, Cageling offers peace and quiet hanging from a branch or on a porch, an eye catcher in any interior or shop window. It’s a birdcage large as life, in which you can swing freely: dreaming away in your own space, without being isolated from your surroundings. Not captured, yet safe — and as free as a bird possibly can be.
Ontwerpduo Rockid
Rockid is a cradle for the baby, and a rocking chair for Mom or Dad. Together, and at the same time, each has their own space. As the parent rocks, so does the child, effortlessly providing wordless comfort and instinctual bonding. While your baby sleeps, you can sing, read, or dream to your child. Rockid is more than a place to sit, it’s a contemporary place to foster a bond as old as humanity itself.
Ontwerpduo Split Mirror // Full Length
A mirror reflects reality – but only part of it. The Split Mirror reflects three versions of the truth, beautifully split for a surprising reflection. Thanks to the fold in the sheet of coated metal that splits the mirror, you can see yourself three times, from three different angles. It’s an exercise in otherworldly self-recognition, mysterious alternate mirror images, and incredibly cutting-edge design.
Ontwerpduo Split Mirror // Wall
Ontwerpdu Split Mirror // Hand